Montag, 21. Oktober 2013

| Music | Imagine Dragons

Good evening, Good morning, Good afternoon where ever you are in the world!

Today I have to show you my favorite new band that I just "discovered" in Canada. Imagine Dragons is a US-Indie-Rockband from Las Vegas. They got famous last year with their song Radioactive. This song is just amazing and always makes me feel a little bit a sentimental, I don't know why.
Listen to it and enjoy it!

Another amazing song is It's time. The music is more rock music but even if you don't like rock, I think you will like it....

Have a great evening and enjoy listening to this songs,
Nina :-*

1 Kommentar:

  1. Ich liebe die Band auch total! Hab schon seit Monaten n Ohrwurm von Radioactive und es geht mir tatsächlich noch nicht aufn Sack :D
    Toller Blog!

    Vielleicht hast du ja Lust auf gegenseitiges Folgen?! ;)
